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You're viewing Saint Seiya : The Hades Cheat Codes

Game Name : Saint Seiya : The Hades
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2008-01-15 08:42:57
Views : 19276

Unlock 3D Character models in Zodiac History
Complete 10 rounds in Eternal Battle Mode with each character to view their 3D character model in Zodiac History Mode.

Game Modes
Beat The Hades Mode.Won Saint Legend Mode To Unlock Diiferent Modes.

Eternal Battle Mode - Won Saint Legend Mode One Time.
Lighttining Mode - Won Saint Legend Mode One Time.
Saint Legend Mode - Beat The Hades Mode One Time.

Beat Saints In Story Mode .Beat Saint Legend Mode With Surplies Characters And Won 20 battles In Eter nal Battle Mode To Unlock Them.

(Surplies)Aphrodite - Beat Mepisto As Mu In Story Mode.
(Surplies)Camus - Beat Mepisto As Mu In Story Mode.
(Surplies)Mepisto - Beat Mepisto As Seiya In Story Mode.
(Surplies)Saga - Beat Mepisto As Mu In Story Mode.
(Surplies)Shura - Beat Mepisto As Mu In Story Mode.
Aiacos - Procceed Aiacos In The Hades Mode.
Aiolia - Proceed Him In Story Mode.
Aiolos - Beat 20 battles In Eternal Battle Mode.
Aldebaran - Proceed Him In Story Mode.
Aqurius Hyoga - Beat Aqurius Hyoga In Saint Legend Mode.
Dohko - Proceed Him In Story Mode.
Final Cloth Hyoga - Beat Rhadamanthys As Seiya In The Hades Mode.
Final Cloth Ikki - Beat Rhadamanthys As Seiya In The Hades Mode.
Final Cloth Seiya - Beat Rhadamanthys As Seiya In The Hades Mode.
Final Cloth Shiryu - Beat Rhadamanthys As Seiya In The Hades Mode.
Final Cloth Shun - Beat Rhadamanthys As Seiya In The Hades Mode.
First Cloth Seiya - Won Lighttining Battle Mode As Seiya At Least 5 or 6 Minutes.
First Cloth Shiryu - Won Lighttining Battle Mode As Seiya At Least 5 or 6 Minutes.
Geminisaint - Proceed Him In Story Mode.
Gold Aphrodite - Beat Saint Legend Mode As (Surplies) Aphrodite.
Gold Camus - Beat Saint Legend Mode As (Surplies) Camus.
Gold Cloth Hyoga - Complete Saint Legend Mode with Hyoga
Gold Cloth Ikki - Complete Saint Legend Mode with Ikki
Gold Cloth Seiya - Complete Saint Legend Mode with Seiya
Gold Cloth Shiryu - Complete Saint Legend Mode with Shiryu
Gold Cloth Shun - Complete Saint Legend Mode with Shun
Gold Mepisto - Beat Saint Legend Mode As (Surplies)Mepisto.
Gold Saga - Beat Saint Legend Mode As (Surplies)Saga.
Gold Shura - Beat Saint Legend Mode As (Surplies) Shura.
Libra Shiryu - Beat Libra Shiryu In Saint Legend Mode.
Marin - Won 5 Battles In Eternal Battle Mode.
Milo - Proceed Him In Story Mode.
Minos - Procceed Minos In The Hades Mode.
Mu - Proceed Him In Story Mode.
Orpheus - Beat Orpheus As Seiya In The Hades Mode.
Rhadamanthys - Beat Radamanthys As Mu In The Hades Mode.
Sagittarius Seiya - Beat Sagittarius Seiya In Saint Legend Mode.
Shaina - Won 10 Battles In Eternal Battle Mode.
Shaka - Proceed Him In Story Mode.
Shion - Beat Shion As Shiryu In The Hades Mode.

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