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Newest NES Cheat Codes
  Game NameSystem
1 Toki no Tabibito : Time Stranger NES
2 Chiisana Obake : Acchi Socchi Kocchi NES
3 Keroppi To Keroriinu no Splash Bomb! NES
4 Vice : Project Doom NES
5 Ninja Gaiden 2 : Dark Sword Chaos NES
6 Takahashi Meijin no Bug-tte Honey NES
7 Don Doko Don NES
8 Locksmith NES
9 Ninja Gaiden 3 : The Ancient Ship Of Doom NES
10 Family Feud NES

Most Popular NES Cheat Codes
  Game NameSystem
1 Mike Tyson's Punchout NES
2 Metroid NES
3 Castlevania NES
4 Super Mario Brothers NES
5 Zelda NES
6 Maniac Mansion NES
7 DragonBall Z 3 NES
8 Mario Brothers NES
9 Locksmith NES
10 Legends Of The Diamond NES

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